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ROS1 Project
A Guidea for ROS1 kinetic package
CAN Device Set up
1. Install necessary packages.
2. Download, build, and install PCAN-USB driver for Linux: peak-linux-driver
Note: v8.18.0 tested.
3. Confirm installed driver.
Note: If you got an error like below
Please change your Secure boot :`Enable ->disabled` in your boot system
4. Install libpcan based on ROS distro.
ROS1 Project
1. Make your own Workspace.
2. Install necessary packages.
3. Clone or Download Allegro Hand V5 ROS package.
Allegro Hand V5 ROS Package(링크 대기중)
4. Install Bhand library.
5. Build.
6. Connect PEAK PCAN-USB and Allegro Hand(make sure to power on Allegro Hand)
7. Start the ROS package.
8. Use keyboard command to move Allegro Hand.
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